Support Us Through Global Giving

Exciting news here at We Are Watching You! Your organization has just joined Global Giving’s 30 day open challenge. For the challenge, we need to raise $5,000 USD from 40 different donors in 30 days. If we reach this goal, we will be permanently added to the Global Giving site. This site enables donors from all over the world to look at our organization and donate to our cause online. The money that you donate will go to fund our Music for Culture of Peace and Non-Violence events. You can look at our profile and DONATE online. Any amount that you are willing to give would be greatly appreciated!

Make sure to share the link with your friends and family too!


What We Are Up To Lately

Well it has been busy busy busy over here at We Are Watching You office.

We are currently on the process of registering We Are Watching You as its own organization instead of an accountability campaign by ACREF. We feel that We Are Watching You is much bigger than just a campaign and we hope that you would join us in our journey. It will be difficult at first but we believe that the end result will be worth it.

Another thing we are preparing for right now is the showing of Heal the Nation documentary by PictureMtaani. We will be holding the viewing for Heal the Nation Documentary on March 18 from 12 o’clock at the ACREF center. The documentary is about the election violence of 2007-2008 and what happens afterward. There will be discussion afterwards and we would love for you to attend our pilot event. It would be interesting to see how our community has healed over the years and what more needs to be addressed to complete the healing process.

The second event that we are planning at the moment is Music for Culture of Non-Violence and Peace. We will be launching our second concert next month after the success of our pilot concert. This edu-tainment concert is aimed to lessen the possibility of another riot similar to the election violence of 2007-2008. We will be joined by other musicians who are interested on spreading the message of peace and educating public about their civic rights and responsibilities.

So that is a quick update from us. We hope that you will join us in one of our events or maybe send us a message and join our team!